Raglan Community Connections
Your introduction to our community organisations and services.

If you’re new to Raglan, or would like to find out more about the community, the following information will be of interest.
Early Learning
While we are a small community, we have a number of options for schooling and childcare.
Let’s Grow
Let’s Grow Early Learning Centre is set amidst the natural beauty and majestic backdrop of rolling hills and trees located on the Whaingaroa coastline. The purpose built, architecturally designed childcare centre situated on a large section is conveniently located close to the Raglan township. Let’s Grow welcomes babies into the Tiaki (babies) room, who progress to the Tangaroa (toddlers) room until they are ready to move into the Karioi (preschool) room, catering for children up to six years of age.
248 Wainui Rd, Raglan
p: 07 8257367
e: info@letsgrow.net.nz
Let’s Grow website link
Whaingaroa Childcentre
Formerly Raglan Childcare, then Magnolia, we provide childcare and education for children aged three months to school age, right in the heart of Raglan Township.
Open from 7.30am to 5.30pm, we have two learning rooms, Iti Kahurangi, where children learn and explore until 2 to 2.5 years of age, and Maunga Teitei, where they blossom and grow until they leave for school. We believe that children are unique individuals, therefore our environment, daily programme, and curriculum have been designed to allow children to explore, discover, create and learn at their own pace.
e: info@whaingaroachildcare.co.nz
Whaingaroa Childcare website link
Raglan Kindergarten
Enrol from birth. 20 FREE Hours from 2 years of age.
Raglan Kindergartens Waikato is situated in Whaingaroa, Raglan. Our children come from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities. Whaingaroa, is known for its artistic community, its connection with Tangaroa and with Papatuanuku.
p: 07 825 8674
e: raglan@kindergarten.org.nz
Raglan Kindergarten website link
Matapihi Kindergarten
Caters for 2 to 6 year olds, 8am to 4pm
Matapihi is set on 8 acres, containing fruit trees, bush, lawn, paddocks, a stream and a small lake. (Inside the fences our outdoor play area has a variety of areas and activities, a whare and a cottage, a mud pit and mud kitchen, a river bed, a fairy garden, a swing frame, sand pit, vegetable and flower beds, a sports area and chickens and guinea pigs. A major feature of Matapihi is our Uru Taiao programme which sees children and kaiako spending the day in our kahikatea forest , connecting with the natural world, feeding eels, cooking on a camp fire and exploring.
390 Te Mata Rd, RD1, Raglan 3295.
p: 07 8257875
e: info@matapihikindergarten.co.nz
Matapihi Kindergarten website link
Raglan Playcentre
Raglan Playcentre playgroup runs every Wednesday morning from 9 till 12am. If you have a little baby or an active preschooler, swing by and enjoy the morning with other parents and children. We have a lovely outdoor space and on rainy days we gather inside with lots of fun toys. We’re in the Scout’s hall on Cliff Street. For more information or questions have a look on our Raglan Playcentre facebook page or email us.
e: raglan@playcentre.org
Whaingaroa Kohunga Reo
Te Kōhanga Reo is a Māori development initiative, aimed at maintaining and strengthening Māori language and philosophies within a cultural framework inspired by Māori elders in 1982.
Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive, Raglan
p: 07 825 8365
Facebook link
While we are a small community, we have a number of options for schooling and childcare.
Raglan Area School
Raglan Area School is a small yet ‘big hearted’ rural school that ‘celebrates education in a bicultural environment’. Catering from new entrants right through to Year 13 students, the school has one of the best views in town overlooking the Raglan Harbour.
42 Norrie Ave, Raglan
p: 07 825 8140
e: office@raglanarea.school.nz
Raglan Area School website link
Te Mata School
Situated in Te Mata in the wider Raglan district, Te Mata School i s a small school with a big heart. Caters for students years 1-8.
778 Te Mata Rd, Te Mata
p: 07 825 6870
e: admin@temataraglan.school.nz.
Te Mata School website link
Te Uku School
A rural school of around 160 Year 1 to 8 students, located 10 mins out of Raglan township on State Highway 23 in the mighty Waikato. Their vision is to “Expand the Hearts and Minds” of our students to become confident, connected, actively involved, life-long learners.
State Highway 23 Te Uku
p: 07 825 5815
e: office@teuku.school.nz
Te Uku School website link
Waitetuna School
Another rurally situated school, Waitetuna School has a high adult to student ratio, diverse learning experiences, team teaching, reciprocal learning and a comprehensive blended e-learning programme our school is well equipped to incorporate and develop the 21 Century learner.
129 Waitetuna Valley Rd, Waitetuna
p: 07 825 5827
e: principal@waitetuna.school.nz
Waitetuna School website link
Health Services
Be sure to phone first as we are a small community and you will need to make an appointment.
Raglan Medical
9 Wallis Street
p: 07 825 0114
The Physio Room Raglan
Jenny Watts
9 Wallis Street
p: 022 659 0427
Te Kohao Health
Poihakena Marae
216 Wainui Rd, Raglan
p: 07 825 0197
Hours: Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am-4.30pm
Free after hours telephone triage service.
Raglan Wellness Hub
12 Wallis Street
Pathlab Waikato Ltd
p: 07 825 6595
Raglan Chiropractic
p: 07 834 0117
Raglan Physiotherapy, Pilates & Acupuncture
p: 07 825 0123
m: 027 318 0216
e: raglanphysiotherapy@gmail.com
Raglan Smiles
Text: 022 693 7696
e: raglansmilesltd@gmail.com
Connect Osteopathy
Hands on Treatment
p: 07 825 8418
Fusion Body Therapies
Massage – Bodywork
p: 021 050 6346
e: info@fusionbody.co.nz
Church Services
Many denominations are represented in Raglan.
Church at Stewart Street – Raglan Union Church
3 Stewart Street, Raglan
Sunday services: 10am with children’s programme
Other Activities: Little Gem Opportunity Shop for Treasure Hunters 9am – 11.30am at the Church Hall, and a Community Garden
Church office 07 825-8276
e: raglanunionchurch@xtra.co.nz
Baha’i Devotional Gathering
p: 027 601 5873
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Raglan Branch
18 Manukau Rd, Raglan
Sunday Meetings 10.00 am
p: 027 447 3413
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Parish
Cnr James and Wallis Sts, Raglan, and Te Mata
Mass on Saturdays at 5pm, 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in Raglan 2nd and 4th Saturdays in Te Mata
p: 07 825 8135
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Violet Street, Raglan
St Peter’s Anglican Church
44 Bow Street, Raglan
Sunday service at 9.30am
p: Hazel 022 106 5990
Facebook link
Surfside Church Raglan
Sunday Services at 10am Raglan Area School Hall
p: 07 825 5199
Surfside Church website link
Raglan Naturally
Supporting Whāingaroa to achieve our community goals
Raglan Naturally’s approach to community-led development is a unique initiative to achieve community aspirations and goals from the ‘ground-up’. Raglan Naturally is founded on building, growing and empowering relationships with iwi/hapū and community based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles.
Raglan Naturally guides and supports all who are connected to Whāingaroa Raglan.
Raglan Naturally encourages and supports the community to find solutions and take action.
We celebrate and share.
Click for Raglan Naturally website

Raglan Community Radio
“Raglan Community Radio is New Zealand’s longest running independent community station and totally dedicated to our local community. We’re situated in the front of the town hall on the main street where visitors are always welcome to drop in.”
Livestream link: https://raglanradio.com/Live.html
We currently have about 30 volunteers aged between 4 and 85 and all residents and visitors alike are welcome to join them on the air – we are always keen to train up new DJs and podcasters.
We’re also a great source of news about Raglan with our daily podcasts and written items available via our website and social media.
Website: https://raglanradio.com
Whāingaroa Environment Centre

Deepening community-shared knowledge of our environment and encouraging action towards a balanced and resilient Whāingaroa
He waka eke noa
We are all in the canoe together, no exceptions
We deliver environmental programmes, workshops, and raise awareness of environmental issues.
The WEC hub is located in the Raglan Town Hall and is used as an office, meeting and workshop space.
We also have a mobile hub that we take out into the community. The mobile hub is used to promote environmentally sustainable practices and connect the community with our projects.
Click for Whāingaroa Environment Centre website
Xtreme Zero Waste
Community Recycling Services & Resource recovery centre founded by families in the community (2000).
We are a whanau working together with yours, towards zero waste.
Ko te mahi ngatahi kia para kore te whenua.
Recycling | Reuse Shop (Kāhu’s Nest) | Compost | Wood & Metal Yard
Zero waste is our past and our future. The Whāingaroa community zero waste programme has been working hard for the last 22 years to achieve a 75-80% diversion of waste from landfill. Let’s work collectively to achieve the last 20-25%.
Phone 07 825 6509 | Hours Monday–Friday 12:30pm–5pm; Saturday–Sunday 10am–5pm
Address 186 Te Hutewai Rd | Click for Xtreme Zero Waste website
Karioi Project

Ngā Kōrero Whakapū – Our Story
When you tug on a single thread in nature….you’ll find it attached to the rest of the world” – John Muir
When you look across the horizon, there’s an invisible web of threads from New Zealand to the rest of the world…. they’re the flightpaths of seabirds travelling thousands of kilometres from nesting to feeding grounds.
Just 200 years ago, seabirds filled our coastal forests and every year thousands of seabirds flocked to our coastline to raise their chicks. It’s no coincidence we are known as the Seabird Capital of the World.
Until recently the last remnant species of seabird on Karioi, the Grey Faced petrel / Ōi was struggling to breed – now due to the hard work of our team we have chicks once again successfully fledging!
Click for Karioi Project website
Raglan Community House
The Raglan Community House coordinates activities and provides services to our community, with a wide network of regional and local service providers and endeavour to link people to the services they need.
Our Vision is Whaingaroa – A safe and healthy community
Through our work the Raglan community is connected to the services and networks that can provide assistance and support, is safe, healthy and resilient and is a place where people look out for each other.
Click for Raglan Community House website